Collecting more of what you produce is essential for running a profitable practice. Read the articles in this section to help optimize collections in your practice…
3-3-3 Follow-Up
One of the more unpleasant assignments in any practice is dental debt collection. If your practice is not collecting 99% of the money patients owe, consider instituting this 3-step approach:
Overhead Control
It costs quite a bit to keep a dental office running, and those operating expenses come out of practice revenues before you see any income. To minimize the damage to your bottom line, follow these steps:
Dental Insurance
Dental insurance has become commonplace in most practices today. In order to maximize income from patients with insurance, your practice should address two areas:
Payment Options
To increase case acceptance while reducing overdue collections, Levin Group recommends to its consulting clients that they offer the following four dental payment options to patients:
Financial KPIs
Here are several of the financial KPIs that the most successful dentists typically follow as they plan new management systems and growth strategies: